Backup Important Files on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server to DropBox Automatically
Looking for an easy way to backup your Ubuntu 16.04 LTS servers files to Dropbox? These can be your website content, important configuration files and others important files you can’t afford to lose…. this process backs them all automatically to Dropbox. This brief post is going to show students and new users how install and configure Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Servers (headless) to automatically back up important configuration files and website content… this process can be an affordable way to get your content secured.. To get started with backing up your files via Dropbox, continue with the steps below: Step 1: Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Before getting the back up process to work, you must download and install Dropbox… run the commands below to download Dropbox 64-bit package for 64-bit systems.. cd /tmp && wget -O dropbox-linux.tar.gz The 32-bit version of the package can be found below cd /tmp &...