
Install SQL lite DB browser

Downloads Windows Our latest release (3.11.2) for Windows: DB Browser for SQLite - Standard installer for 32-bit Windows & Windows XP DB Browser for SQLite - .zip (no installer) for 32-bit Windows & Windows XP DB Browser for SQLite - Standard installer for 64-bit Windows DB Browser for SQLite - .zip (no installer) for 64-bit Windows DB Browser for SQLite - PortableApp Note  - If for any reason the standard Windows release does not work (e.g. gives an error), try a nightly build ( below ). Nightly builds often fix bugs reported after the last release. 😄 macOS Our latest release (3.11.2) for macOS: DB Browser for SQLite Homebrew If you prefer using Homebrew for macOS, our latest release can be installed via  Homebrew Cask : brew cask install db-browser-for-sqlite Nightly builds Download nightly builds for Windows and macOS here: Linux DB Browser for SQLite works well on Linux. Arch Lin...

Install python3.6 in linux mint

sudo add - apt - repository ppa : jonathonf / python - 3.6 # (only for 16.04 LTS) sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 . 6 sudo apt install python3 . 6 - dev sudo apt install python3 . 6 - venv wget https :// bootstrap . pypa . io / get - pip . py sudo python3 . 6 get - pip . py sudo ln - s / usr / bin / python3 . 6 / usr / local / bin / python3 sudo ln - s / usr / local / bin / pip / usr / local / bin / pip3

An Introduction to WebSockets

In this blog post we’re going to cover how to use WebSockets to create real-time web applications. Before we dive into learning about the WebSocket protocol and API I first want to spend a little time going through some of problems that face real-time web applications and how the WebSocket spec aims to solve them. A Brief History of Real-Time Web Applications The web was built around the idea that a client’s job is to request data from a server, and a server’s job is to fulfill those requests. This paradigm went unchallenged for a number of years but with the introduction of AJAX around 2005 many people started to explore the possibilities of making connections between a client and server  bidirectional . Web applications had grown up a lot and were now consuming more data than ever before. The biggest thing holding them back was the traditional HTTP model of client initiated transactions. To overcome this a number of different strategies were devised to allow servers ...

Zebra ZXP Series 3 Printer Driver For Linux

You can download driver files from here Driver

How to manually Factory Default E-Class Mark III (Non-Display) printers?

To Factory Default the Datamax E-Class Mark III ('Basic' & 'Advanced') printer using its top-panel controls... Power cycle the printer: turn it off, wait 30 seconds, and then turn it back on Wait for 30 seconds, to allow the printer to boot up completely Press and hold 'Play / Pause' button until the Status (left) LED (see illustration, below) starts to flash 'RED'. The Status LED will flash orange, then green Once the Status LED starts to flash 'RED' Release the 'Play / Pause' button Wait 30 seconds Power cycle the printer, once more

Parse plain text from rtf text in ruby

Q . I have an rtf text shown like below, { \rtf1\ansi\deff0 { \fonttbl { \f 0 Courier ;}} { \colortbl ; \red0\green0\blue0 ; \red255\green0\blue0 ;} This line is the default color\line \cf2 \tab This line is red and has a tab before it\line \cf1 \page This line is the default color and the first line on page 2 } I want to parse plain text from rtf text. Is there any plugins or any other solutions available in ruby, to parse plain text from rtf text?

Backup Important Files on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server to DropBox Automatically

Looking for an easy way to backup your Ubuntu 16.04 LTS servers files to Dropbox? These can be your website content, important configuration files and others important files you can’t afford to lose…. this process backs them all automatically to Dropbox. This brief post is going to show students and new users how install and configure Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Servers (headless) to automatically back up important configuration files and website content… this process can be an affordable way to get your content secured.. To get started with backing up your files via Dropbox, continue with the steps below: Step 1: Install Dropbox on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Before getting the back up process to work, you must download and install Dropbox… run the commands below to download Dropbox 64-bit package for 64-bit systems.. cd /tmp && wget -O dropbox-linux.tar.gz The 32-bit version of the package can be found below cd /tmp &...